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[数码拍摄] 婚礼摄像八项注意

iop 2011-10-16 18:08:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 iop 于 2011-10-16 18:10 编辑

    二、做好器材的准备工作    提前一天熟悉婚礼各场面现场状况和拍摄条件,将电池充电,因为拍摄时间较长,所以要准备后备电池、备用录像带、充电器(线)等;检查磁带质量和机器状态,先进行试拍,以确定设备良好,需要提醒大家的是,普通DV没有广角,1.5米是最佳距离,太近了拍不全,所以建议大家最好准备广角镜头,整个画面看起来气势会比较宏大,效果会提升一个层次,如果再能用一支外接式麦克风,那就更理想不过了。
  三、 适当的多拍摄一些花絮  一般婚礼上都会请一个婚庆公司的摄影师,他们拍摄的内容一般比较正式,甚至有时比较“呆板”,使整个影片显得冗长乏味,欠缺生动活泼的画面内容,所以我们可以多拍摄一些花絮,例如新娘的化妆时刻、出门的时刻、新人在婚礼会场入场等待的时刻等,这样既不会与专业摄像师所拍摄的画面有雷同的感觉,又使婚礼充满了温馨的味道。
  四、事先抢占有利地形    婚礼场面人多、突发场面、事件较多,婚礼摄像师要对下一步将要发生、进行的场面具有预见、判断能力,这一条很重要,什么时候到什么地方,该在什么位置拍摄,这些都要做到心中有数,才不至于遗漏下精彩的镜头和画面。
  五、稳定高于一切  婚礼场面不可能始终用三脚架进行固定拍摄,所以一定要拿稳摄像机,最好用右臂紧贴右肋,再用左手轻轻地扶住摄像机,减少抖动,如果你有一部带光学防抖的摄像机是最好不过了,其效果明显要好于数码防抖。  尽量在离新人比较近的位置进行拍摄,这样你就可以将镜头调到广角位置进行拍摄,因为如果将镜头调到高倍变焦焦位置拍摄,只要稍微有一点抖动都会使画面产生相当大的晃动,播放时会让人头晕目眩的。
  六、掌握基本的拍摄技法  在婚礼摄像中,远景运用的不多,主要还是以中近景拍摄为主。大体上我们以画面取在人物的腰部左右。即“半身镜头”画面,要充分地考虑对人物神态的表现,可以适当的拍摄一些特写镜头,例如新娘的泪花盈盈、新娘手捧的鲜花、两人互换信物时认真的表情等等。  拍摄酒店环境时,最好不要呆板的从门口拍到厅堂,一般从水晶吊灯拉开镜头,拍摄全景,不需要流水账似的拍摄。
拍摄正式典礼时,摄影师要确定好拍摄角度.包括到台阶,屏风、花卉、舞台、背景、灯光等等所有的细节,应先站在新人正面,拍摄两人特写,再从新人侧面,拍摄新人全景镜头;拍摄新人招待来宾及敬酒镜头时,应该尽量站在新人侧前方拍摄,运用大广角,兼顾重点宾客。  婚礼摄像时常常需要运用一些跟摄镜头,追准被摄对象是跟镜头拍摄的基本要求取景装置一定要始终“套”住运动中的新娘,使观众与被摄对象之间的视点相对稳定,摄影师此时最好采用前跟法,从新人的正面进行拍摄,也就是摄像师*违禁词过滤见谅*拍摄,虽说辛苦些,但是效果绝对是不错!  需要特别注意的是,拍摄的时候镜头运动应该保持匀速、平稳的平移,要稳定而果断,前后镜头节奏和速度的主要保持一致性,切忌无目的的滥用镜头技巧,反复的快速变焦时尤其需要特别避免的。
  七、注意白平衡的调节  因为婚礼拍摄一会儿要拍摄室外,一会又要拍摄室内场面,光线变化比较大,所以白平衡的调整就显得非常重要了,自动白平衡功能的适应性比较差,要尽量使用手动调整白平衡,根据拍摄环境选择白平衡场景,整部婚礼片的色彩还原准确,观众才会看得赏心悦目!
  八、主体一定要突出    初次拍摄婚礼的朋友常常会犯这个问题:花絮拍了好多、亲朋好友的祝福拍了好多、车队热闹的场面拍了好多,但是新娘新郎却只拍了典礼,其他的镜头竟然很少!其实,新郎新娘是婚礼片的主角,如果把来宾拍的面面俱到忽视了新人就有些反客为主了,所以一定要注意时刻“关照”新人,他们才是真正的主角,其他人都是陪衬而已,千万不要错位!
  结语  说了那么多,希望大家能够对婚礼的拍摄有了一定的了解,有兴趣、有机会的朋友不妨拿起自己的DV机,去为亲朋好友拍摄一部赏心悦目的婚礼影片吧!
左思右想8 2011-10-26 23:40:36 | 显示全部楼层

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    I slammed my door and stomped toward the house.I just hung around outside to enjoy the sun.maybe sheis sick.So I put on a brave face and all but kicked him out the door whenever Emmett and Jasper wanted to go.the agony was becoming more bearable through familiarity.Bella.Mike was there, Jessica and Angela, Conner, Tyler, Eric and Lauren.merrell shoes outlet!Quil.I was always going to want more.Dont worry about it.It wasn't a happy smile.She was close enough that he could hear her thoughts.where it left a divot in the wood.But I tried to keep my expression from showing how clearly I remembered the feeling.It was all so stupid.Mike gave me a huge smile when he saw that I was coming.My intuition flickered.What are the odds.I hate lying to him.Page 313       As we watched,replica oakley sunglasses, she crouched for an instant and then sprang fifteen feet up into the air.    She's been gone a long time,Rosalie murmured, surprised.That's the main thing, I guess.I flinched.It appeared that everything had been settled downstairs in our absence.She stared out the window at the silver clouds, her expression far away.Edward didn't have to ask to know I meant the Volturi.you have a good excuse to be a little muddled about the finer points.The phone slammed into the cradle.The only change came when suddenly, impossibly, my pain was doubled.I didnt believe that.before I could answer her first question.The sound of my growls shook the frame of the car, but did not distract me.Lucky Edward happened to be standing next to me.The doorbell rang.He stared intently into my eyes.Hardly, I mumbled.if it weren't Edward out there, if I didn't know in every cell of my body that he loved me as much as I loved him.    The traditional vampires were going as far away as possible to satiate their thirst.Please don't go anywhere until you talk to me.Um,merrell tundra boots, I'd better go see what he wants.then there would be no need for a council at all.You can be so out of it sometimes.Crap.It felt like a very strong memory.I    Page 74       would not have changed my eating or sleeping habits.I was on my feet,ray ban ClubMaster, too.He was so intent on what he was hearing that he used the pack plural.He paused, dabbing at the sweat.What vampire on earth would have the restraint necessary to test the theory with a human woman.So, Mike said, looking at the floor, Jessica asked me to the spring dance.Yes, it would hurt my adopted mother, too.So you never met anyone you wanted.I scrambled into his lap, throwing my arms around him.The attraction was a mystery to me.    I like to think that I could have gone away again.I'd grown attached.No, he will not, I said through my teeth.Weren't you able to track down that mountain lion, then.We stay together.Fight back.They didn't have to stay away.Why.Dying to kill him.2008 Stephenie Meyer  56  It was a quiet ride to school.I wanted to turn toward him, to see if it was really his lips against my hair.He didn't understand the reasons behind the moods, though, and.Why.I don't expect anything, I said in a low monotone.Is the heartbeat you hear a trickery as well.He just stared at me bitterly.So much for protecting Bella.It's a private tour, Alice said, flashing an alluring smile.It was actually easier with the smell to temper my reaction to the sound and heat of his pulsing blood.Maybe I was  developing a new kind of sickness, another addiction, like the numbness before.

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