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[作品] 影片感很强的一段剪辑,手法不错!

exegt 2011-10-17 07:44:43 | 显示全部楼层
RR55颜 2011-10-19 23:51:31 | 显示全部楼层
雨阳科技 2011-10-23 19:36:04 | 显示全部楼层
先顶了  看看如何:)
dsjcf 2011-10-27 17:19:08 | 显示全部楼层

su168 2011-10-28 20:45:03 | 显示全部楼层
不错 学习
lxsf7764u 2011-11-3 13:15:18 | 显示全部楼层
    I changed color.Once inside the elevator, the three vampires that belonged to the Volturi relaxed further.My eye fell on a blank page of the hotel stationery on the desk.And Royce seemed to be everything Id dreamed of.What.By the way the edges billowed, I knew it would be another one of them.Long gone, hours ago,fake Ray Ban Craft, Emmett announced, disappointed.ray ban sunglasses!He rumbled.I hadn't heard her return to her desk.Yeah, Jasper's kind of funny that way.Ang, I cant believe you missed this one.I'm sorry, I apologized again.But he seemed to.Okay, I sighed.I copied them.Embry drove us back toward the village.You're free to leave now, Alec told us, his tone so warm you'd think we were all lifelong friends.I paused.We'd love to have you, Alice.Its like youre shouting them at me.    Let us not be hasty.I checked in periodically with Jessica.I got it.It felt like it took every single ounce of self-control that I'd achieved in seventy years of hard work to turn back to the girl, who was staring down at the table, and smile.She's brokenhearted, Seth.When are you finally going to figure out that youre in love with me, too.Alice protested shrilly.The pity made it final somehow.That's not the same as having you here, and you know it.Either he's insane or he's still trying to make up for almost killing me last.These emotions were so much stronger than I was used to that it was hard to stick to one train of thought despite the extra room in my head.Charlie nodded and then reluctantly returned Renesmee to me.I would not kill her cruelly.,'7he called after me, but I was out the door, running.    So we're good, for now.Was that the right thing.Go get your fill of the city.it would mean that I would have to change my ways.Now if I could just keep it to that.The rain was louder as it glanced off my jacket.About my mysterious acceptance into an Ivy League college.I twisted up to reach for my leg, and he was standing over me, smiling.She scrambled agilely onto his back,oakleys, pulling herself into place with handfuls of his fur, and fit herself easily into the dip between his massive shoulder blades.His grin widened, and he shuddered slightly.I shook my head back and forth in denial, trying to clear it at the same time.They're in my truck now, I admitted.The sharp claws shredded through his shirt, and squealed across his skin.'S not the same thing, I mumbled.Get out to the office, Bella.She didn't want Jacob hurt.    There was enough of the sweet vampire smell to keep the human part from being overwhelming.Page 24       Almost.Was he giving her up.A faint pink touched her cheek when Bella registered Jessica's expression.What happened to you.I reached for him, but he took a step away, raising his hands like a shield.Aro turned his back to us again,cheap merrell shoes, facing the other ancients.Of course, it was much different from this perspective, as a vampire myself.later.I think we have to consider the idea that we are the targets.Then I turned the same CD on, turning it down to the point where it was background noise.That's exactly why you're wrong, though.Flowers, cake, candles, presents.These moved slowest, so I concentrated on them.It had shown up yesterday.My head bowed with that guilt as I listened to his panicked voice.

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