PDF24 Creator是一个免费的PDf转换器,使用它能够让你自己来创建pdf文档,任何支持打印的文档都可以变成pdf格式,整个软件带有中文界面,还能够设置转换后pdf文件的质量,尺寸,也能为pdf添加签名、水印,除此之外,还集成了好用的截图功能。
安装完毕以后你会在你的打印机里看到一个名为PDF24的虚拟打印机,这时打印需要转换成PD格式的文件时选虚拟打印机PDF24,也可以直接将文件以拖拉方式拉进这软件的主视窗编辑区里,它会自动转成pdf格式,它也支持抓取屏幕或图片直接转成pdf格式。PDF24 Creator支持的格式有:
1.Microsoft Word (doc dot docx dotx)
2.Microsoft Excel (xls xlw xlt xlsx xltx)
3.Microsoft Powerpoint (ppt pps pot pptx potx)
4.Open Office (odt ods odp odg ott ots otp otg)
5.Postscript (ps)
6.Text (rtf txt)
7.HTML (htm html)
8.Images (jpg jpeg png bmp gif tiff tif emf wmf)
PDF24 Creator4.8.0更新内容:
BugFix::Fixed a bug in fax tool
If the user double clicks on the fax icon then the fax window pops up and loads a fax with an empty document. This was a bug, introduced in one of the previous versions. Double clicking on the fax icon now opens the fax file load page where the user can choose a file which can then be send as a fax.
Enhancement::Optimized loading of PDF files
Saving merged PDF files could result in errors for special input files. We have optimized the loading process of files so that merging and saving should now work fine for all files.
Enhancement::Extended the send as email feature
We have extended the send as email feature in the PDF24 Assistant and PDF24 Editor. This new feature makes it possible to email not only as a PDF file. All output filters can now be used. This makes it possible to send the file as PDF, as images or any other output format which thePDF24 Creatorsupports.
Enhancement: Extended the fax tool
Added file type check on fax tool start. The fax tool accepts a PDF file as command line argument which is loaded as a fax. If the user starts the app with no file or with a file which is not a PDF file then the fax tools pen the file choose page where the user has to choose a PDF file which can then be send as a fax.
Language file update of some language files

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PDF24 Creator 官网:http://www.pdf24.org/
PDF24 Creator 版本:4.8.0