Do one or both of the following solutions: Solution 1: Create a shortcut to the Premiere Proexecutable file, rename the shortcut to Premiere, and move theshortcut to C:Program FilesCommonFilesAdobedynamiclink.
Close all Adobe applications.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:Program FilesAdobeAdobePremiere Pro CS4. (If you installed Premiere Pro CS4 in a locationother than the default of C:Program FilesAdobe, then navigate toyour custom installation location.)
Right-click on Adobe Premiere Pro.exe (which might appearwithout the .exe extension) and choose Create Shortcut.
Rename the newly created shortcut to just Premiere.
Important: The name of the shortcutmust be exactly Premiere with no othercharacters.
Open a second Windows Explorer window, and navigate toC:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobedynamiclink.
Move the Premiere shortcut that you created into thedynamiclink folder.